• CBEC Lab

About Us

The Campus Chemical Instrument Center (CCIC) was founded in 1981 as a unit of the Office of Research. The mission of the CCIC is to provide state-of-the-art research facilities for the entire campus in three areas: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics. Since the NMR, MS and Proteomics Facilities are central hubs for the Ohio NMR and Ohio MS Consortiums, respectively, all researchers in the colleges and universities of the State of Ohio have access to all facilities of the CCIC with the same user fees.

Ohio State's Office of Research provides personnel support of the CCIC. Equipment funding has been provided by Ohio Board of Regents, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and Office of Research.

About the MS&P Facility:
The mandate of the CCIC Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics (MSP) Facility is to provide state-of-the-art instrumentation and personnel expertise for a wide variety of research projects. Main areas of services we provide include i) proteomics, ii) metabolomics, and iii) general mass spec analyses for research groups. We also participate and provide support for grant applications and education. The Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility at CCIC is an interdisciplinary unit, servicing faculty from the colleges of Biological Sciences, Education and Human Ecology, Engineering, Food, Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine just to name a few. CCIC also serves scientists from other universities and industry within and outside of Ohio.

About the NMR Facility:
The CCIC NMR is a state-of-the-art campus-wide core facility that currently houses eight high resolution Bruker NMR spectrometers (600 to 850 MHz) with a range capabilities: high-sensitivity cryoprobes for biomolecular studies, high throughput sample changers for metabolomics, solid state probes for biomolecules and materials, micro-imaging and diffusion. The facility and resources are available to all scientists within and outside the OSU. 

No matter what your field of study is, the CCIC NMR Facility is the right place for you to enhance your research to a whole new level. Some examples of what high-field NMR spectroscopy can do for you include:

  • Determination of atomic resolution three dimensional structures of important biological macromolecules in solution and solid state
  • Investigation of molecular motions from picoseconds to seconds and beyond that are important for understanding their functions
  • Unravel the underlying mechanism of biological function from molecular to atomic level
  • Characterization of protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-small molecule interactions
  • Discovery and development of new and improved drugs
  • Evaluation of newly synthesized small-molecules and isolated natural products
  • Imaging the porosity of materials and the mobility of trapped solvent molecules

Please take some time to explore our facility website and get to know the services that we currently offer. The capabilities of the NMR Facility are virtually endless, so if you have an application that is not listed above or elsewhere, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the possibilities. We are here to facilitate your research and enhance your knowledge about the diverse applications of NMR.